Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Light Installation Art

I decided to Google search "Light Installation Art" and see if what I could dig up for inspiration.  Here are some interesting installations that I found!  The first one I thought related to our class because (my "model" especially) needs to be thought of more in terms of three dimension.  This is a way to expand a panel into space with the inclusion of light (or lack of material)

This second image is my favorite, clearly because it creates a pattern! I think its just a beam of light that is directed to shine through the basket only and not in surrounding space.  Looks pretty cool to me!

This last one makes me think about materials.  It looks like the lamps are being reflected over a body of water, but there has to be mirrors involved somewhere...or photoshop... or both.  I like the idea of using mirrors to enhance a shadow or reflection. 

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